Event Registration

Impact Unleashed - Full Force
12/03/2020 08:00 AM - 12/05/2020 01:00 AM ET


Event Registration is closed.


     A one-of-a-kind event designed to inspire the values-led leaders in the pet industry, Impact Unleashed is not to be missed. This year, Impact Unleashed will be a virtual event, allowing for hundreds of champions join us through a new remote event platform. Full of energy and innovation, Impact Unleashed brings together a community of leaders that cannot be found anywhere else in the industry. Find your tribe at our thoughtful networking sessions between a loaded agenda with world-class keynote speakers and inspiring TED-style presentations that weave a new story of profitable businesses making a positive impact within the pet industry.

Our event also has a strong focus on implementation. Select from a variety of sessions like workshops and panels that will accelerate your sustainability program and help you find the tools and resources you need to simplify your plan of action and increase your ROI.

A new exhibit hall will ensure attendees can access sustainability specialists and vetted partners to kick-start your sustainability goals. 

  • Find this year's top-ranked accredited sustainable brands and suppliers
  • Meet specialists in supply chain, animal welfare, employee engaegment, sustainable strategy, and DEI
  • Explore the sustainability movement in other industries including apparel, natural food, and packaging
  • Demo vetted tools to streamline and empower your team for ultimate impact


PSC Members receive 50% off all tickets! Please email your member manager or info@petsustainability.org for more information.